Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Top 10 Google Ranking Factors for 2022 (+How to Optimize for Them)

Where’s the first place people go when they need an answer, idea, product, or service? Not to the Yellow Pages. Not into town. Not even to family and friends at this point. They go to the Goog. And most of them do not go past the first page of results.

And it is for this reason that SEO, or search engine optimization, is a multi-billion dollar industry. SEO is the practice of getting a website to align with Google’s ranking factors. So what are those ranking factors and how can you optimize your site for them? Read on to find out.

search engine optimization - google ranking factors

Table of contents

What are Google ranking factors?

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank as high as possible in organic search engine results (and yes, you can aim for the first page). When talking about search, we use the term “organic” to refer to search results that are unpaid. This is different from paid results, which come from PPC advertising.

Organic rankings on Google are determined by an algorithm that takes into account various characteristics and SEO metrics —and these are your ranking factors.

There are over 200 Google ranking factors, and while we will never know all of them, we do know many. We also know that while ranking factors and algorithms may shift, the characteristics Google is trying to parse out through them are expertise, authority, and trust (E-A-T).

google ranking factors - meaning of E-A-T

E-A-T is not a ranking factor; rather, ranking factors are a way for Google to measure of E-A-T.

Types of Google ranking factors

Before we get into the top 10 Google ranking factors around which you can optimize your website pages, let’s first go over the different types.

  • On-page ranking factors refer to the quality of the content on the page and the keywords its targeting.
  • Off-page ranking factors are like endorsements from other pages on your site or other websites, and primarily involve backlinks.
  • Technical ranking factors measure your site’s ability to be crawled, indexed, and render content quickly and safely for searchers.
  • Local ranking factors involve all three of the above, with a special focus on reviews, reputation, and listings.

There isn’t one single ranking factor that will make or break your SEO. It’s the combination of all your technical, on-page, and off-page efforts that work together to help you rank higher on Google, get more traffic, and build trust.

The top Google ranking factors

According to

search engine optimization - google ranking factors

On-page Google ranking factors

The above technical search engine ranking factors have to do with your website as a whole, while these next ranking factors are more page-specific—hence the term on-page SEO.

1. Relevant, high-quality content

The single most important Google ranking factor is the quality of your content. This correlates to the consistent publication of high quality content, user engagement, and niche expertise in the chart above. So what makes relevant, quality content?

  • It’s trustworthy. The information is in-depth, accurate, useful, and free of spammy links and/or comments.
  • It’s readable. That means organized logically, written conversationally, and not stuffed with keywords (Google will actually penalize you for this). Incorporate it naturally into your page and use it interchangeably with related keywords.
  • It’s fresh. Even the most evergreen content loses relevancy over time. So in addition to writing net new content, you should also be updating outdated pages with new information and new keywords that are relevant to today. This is the key to maintaining a good freshness score.
  • It matches the intent of the keyword. In addition to using keyword research tools to find out what your ideal audience is searching online, make sure to search the keyword on Google itself to make sure you understand what users are seeking when they perform that search.

In a recent survey conducted by Directive, 78% of marketers identified keyword research as a high-impact practice for driving new traffic. The research process allows you to better understand what your audience is searching for and create content that directly addresses these search queries.
google ranking factors - impact of keyword research on driving new traffic

2. Keyword placement

Once you know which keywords you want to rank for, it’s important to insert them into specific places on your page. This includes:

  • Title tag: aka meta title; the title that appears on the SERP
  • H1 title: title that appears on the page
  • H2 headings: aim for at least two
  • URL: keep your URL short and clean as well.
  • Naturally in the body: and also in the first 100 words
  • Meta description: the blurb that appears below the title tag/meta title. Make sure it accurately sums up your page and gives searchers a reason to click. Google doesn’t always use the meta description you provide, but it’s still important to include.

keyword placement checklist for on-page seo

Keywords in the title tags are, by far, the most important, followed by H2s and URL.

3. Image optimization

This is an important one—not only because of Google image search but also because regular search results are getting more and more visual—especially on mobile. Here’s how to optimize your images for SEO:

  • Assign alt text: This is the text alternative of an image, and the only way that Google can “see” them. Be short but descriptive and include the keyword. This also makes your website accessible to visually-impaired readers who rely on screen readers to browse the internet, and will show if the image fails to load.
  • Compress and resize: Use an image compressor (tinypng is my favorite) to keep your image file sizes to 70-100KB or less if you can. Often, saving as JPG instead of PNG helps. Also, images rarely need to be more than 1,000px wide. Though a responsive website will resize the images automatically, the less requests your site needs to make to the server, the better for page speed.
  • Add value: If you can, avoid using empty stock images and graphics in your blog posts and instead use screenshots, examples, charts, and illustrations that depict concepts. This improves the quality of the content and keeps users engaged longer.
  • Include the keyword: Not just in the alt text, but the file name. And replace spaces with dashes in the file name, otherwise your CMS will replace them with “%20” which creates an untrustworthy-looking image link.

google ranking factors - a properly saved, tagged, and compressed image in wordpress

A properly saved, tagged, sized, and compressed image.

4. Niche expertise

It’s not just the quality of your content that indicates expertise in your niche, but also the quantity of that quality content. For example, WordStream has been publishing high-quality content about PPC for a long time now, so Google has come to see us as a trusted source in this niche. But if we were to publish a super high-quality post about, say, robotic process automation, our chances of ranking for that keyword are slim.

To build out your niche expertise, you can use the hub and spoke method (also known as pillar page and cluster content). With this method, you create a hub/pillar page on a particular topic, usually a broad, high-volume keyword. This serves as the main resource for that topic, and your various H2s cover different child keywords within that topic.

Then you have your spokes, or cluster content, which are the additional pages that dive deeper into each of the aspects (child keywords) covered in the pillar page.

google ranking factors - hub and spoke content clusters

In addition to demonstrating your expertise within this niche, this method also helps with your site structure, which we’ll talk about later. Since the cluster pages link to and from the pillar content, as well as to each other, this keeps all of your links tightly organized around the same topic.

✅ Is your site optimized to rank on Google? Get an instant SEO audit with our free website grader. ✅

Technical Google ranking factors

Since it involves knowledge of website structure and content management systems, technical SEO is commonly a joint effort between marketing and development teams. But although this may seem complicated, once your website is in good working order, there’s not a lot of ongoing maintenance required in terms of SEO. Here are the technical strategies for improving your rank:

5. Page speed

Users expect a pain-free browsing experience, which is why page speed is an important ranking factor. If your pages take too long to load, your bounce rate will increase and your ranking will decrease. You can check yours with GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights.

google ranking factors - gtmetrix homepage

6. Mobile-friendliness

Back in 2019, Google told us it would be using mobile-first indexing on all new sites. This means that it makes its ranking assessment based on the mobile version of a site rather than the desktop. Then, in 2020 it told us plans for this to be the case for all sites, and as of 2021, all sites are now subject to mobile-first indexing.

In other words, even if the desktop version of your site is flawless, your search engine ranking could take a major hit if it isn’t optimized for mobile. Most content management systems allow you to make preview and adjustments for mobile/smaller screens. You can also use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

google ranking factors - google's mobile friendly test homepage

In addition to these tests, you should still always preview and test your web pages on an actual mobile device because there are some things that code just can’t pick up.

7. Core Web Vitals

While SEO trends ebb and flow, ranking factors don’t often change. But in 2021, Google did introduce a new ranking factor—Core Web Vitals—as a part of the page experience update. Core Web Vitals quantify a person’s experience on your page, which dictates whether and how they engage with it. They include:

  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint): how long it takes for the visible elements on a page to load.
  • FID (First Input Delay): How long it takes for your page to register the first click or tap on the page.
  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift): whether there are unexpected movements or disruptive popups

You can improve your Core Web Vitals with lazy loading, code minification, image compression, and more.

core web vitals

8. Website architecture

As mentioned earlier, search engines work by crawling and indexing different pieces of content on your website. Internal links refer to any hyperlink that points to another page on your same website. The more organized and tightly-knit your internal linking structure is, the more points of access you create to any given page, and the easier it is for search engines (and users) to find what they’re looking for.

Ideally, any given page on your site should be accessible in three clicks or less.

google ranking factors - internal linking structure

To do this, you must be mindful of what pages you’re linking to each time you create a new page or a new piece of content.

It makes it so that search engines can easily understand and index the content. Topic clusters are also beneficial from a user experience perspective. It makes your content easier to navigate and readers will realize that they don’t have to go to multiple sites to find what they’re looking for.

It’s likely that your website already undergoes regular maintenance to check for things like bugs or server errors. For SEO purposes, it’s a good idea to do a technical SEO audit of your site every couple of months to check for things such as 404 errors, redirect loops, and broken links.

9. Site security

Ever wonder what the s stands for in https (as opposed to just plain old http)? Well it stands for secure. And the way you get your site to be an https site rather than an http site is to get an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate. There are a few different routes to getting an SSL, and the cost depends on the level of security you need as well as your hosting setup. HubSpot, for example offers free SSL through its CMS.

Off-page Google ranking factors

Off-page ranking factors have to do with entities outside of your website, such as social media platforms, influencers, and other websites, but there is one focal point to any off-page SEO strategy:

10. Backlinks

Last but most definitely not least, we have backlinks. A backlink is a link to your page that comes from another website. A page with a lot of links pointing back to it indicates to Google that the particular page is providing exceptional value, and is coming from a credible website.  But one link from one quality domain is much better than multiple links from several low-authority websites.

google ranking factors - how backlinking link juice is transferred

From our page on link building

So how do you get backlinks? Here are four link-building strategies.

  • Original, quality content: If your content is high-quality, unique, and provides value to your audience, it will generate backlinks on its own. Go for the irreplicable content like thought leadership content and original data-driven pieces.
  • Cold outreach: It takes years to build this kind of authority, so you’ll also want to build backlinks by finding related content and pitching your pieces to the author for a link.
  • Guest posts: Another method for building backlinks is by guest blogging. Rather than just asking for a link, offer to write a post for that site. You can include a backlink to your site in the post or in yoru author bio.

The top 10 Google ranking factors [recap]

With a strong presence in both paid and organic search engine results, you can increase your visibility—and no matter what kind of business you run, having visibility on search engines is critical if you want to earn trust, build brand awareness, increase traffic to your site, attract customers, and drive revenue. The top 10 Google Ranking factors include:

  1. Quality content
  2. Keyword placement
  3. Image optimization
  4. URL structure
  5. Page speed
  6. Mobile-friendliness
  7. Core Web Vitals
  8. Site architecture
  9. Site security
  10. Backlinks

Just remember, when it comes to real SEO, there’s no such thing as a silver bullet. The most important note to keep in mind is that climbing the search results pages takes time. If you optimize your website for several ranking factors today, it’s not going to magically appear in the number one spot tomorrow.

The optimization process requires ongoing effort to keep your site as fresh and relevant for your audience as possible. As long as your website is functional and optimized with your target buyer in mind, you’ll start to see organic growth.

For more opportunities to optimize for Google’s ranking factors, follow our easy 10-step SEO audit, or you can use our free Website Grader tool to do it for you.

The post The Top 10 Google Ranking Factors for 2022 (+How to Optimize for Them) appeared first on WordStream.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, August 8, 2022

10 Powerful (But Not Pushy) Ways to Increase Average Order Value

For any ecommerce business, improving ROI and ROAS are among its many goals, and there are a number of ways to do this. If you’re running Google Shopping campaigns, you can prioritize your campaign structure.  If you’re only using search ads, you can expand to social or display. And of course, you can optimize the shopping experience as a whole.  That last option yields many benefits, one of which is increasing average order value.

average order value benchmarks

As you can see above, average order value benchmarks vary by industry. But the methods to increase average order value can often apply across industries. So read on to learn 10 practical, but not-pushy ways to increase average order value for your business. Let’s dive in!

Table of contents

What is average order value (AOV)?

Average order value (AOV) is a metric that measures the average amount spent per transaction on a website, in an online store, or within a specific time period. It is often used by businesses to track customer behavior, find profitable sales channels and segments, and ultimately to assess and improve their sales performance.

AOV can be calculated for an entire company or for specific product lines, channels, or regions. For example, a company might compare its AOV from year to year or examine how different marketing campaigns affect AOV.

By understanding how AOV is calculated and what factors influence it, businesses can take steps to increase their average order value and improve their bottom line.

How to calculate average order value

To calculate your AOV, simply take the total revenue from all orders in a given time period and divide it by the total number of orders placed during that same time period.

average order value formula

For example:

  • Total revenue: $2,300,000
  • Number of orders: 56,450
  • Average order value = $2,300,000 / 56450 = $40,744

10 ways to increase average order value

Let’s go through nine practical ways that you can actually increase your average order value and boost your business’s profit margins.

1. Boost your website’s social proof

When a new website visitor comes to your website, they might have only just become aware of your brand for the first time. This is when you have the chance to impress them and show them proof of why they should buy from you.

Social proof shows potential customers that others are happy with your product or service, giving them confidence to buy. There are a few different ways you can use social proof, but for increasing AOV, try these:

Add reviews to your product page and homepage

If you have customer reviews on your specific products, add them to their respective product pages. Here is an example of a brand called Oodie that showcases its customer reviews on the homepage.

how to increase average order value - customer reviews on website

Use testimonials and other trust signals

Customer testimonials and influencer endorsements help build trust and credibility, which can lead to more sales and a higher average order value.

how to increase average order value - trust signals on website

List your achievements

Adding your achievements and awards to your website is another good way to increase social proof and AOV. This helps build trust with potential customers and show them that you’re a credible company.

For example, LARQ features their awards on their website.

how to increase average order value - awards on website

2. Test out different website copy

The copy on your ecommerce website plays a big role in whether or not customers decide to make a purchase.

If you’re not happy with your current conversion rate, it might be time to A/B test your website copy. This simply means creating two versions of a particular element and then seeing which version performs better.

You can A/B test just about anything on your website and landing pages, including:

  • Headlines
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Product descriptions
  • Product images
  • Website layout
  • Checkout processes

If you’re not sure where to start, check out these ecommerce website trends and examples for inspiration.

3. Make customer service your priority

Website customer service is often seen as a low priority, but it should be taken seriously as it removes purchasing barriers and helps to build trust—both of which will help to increase your average order value.

In addition, good customer service can help to resolve problems quickly and efficiently, saving time and money in the long run.

Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Add 24/7 live chat: Live chat allows website visitors to get their questions answered in real time, which can help to reduce any hesitation or confusion they may have about making a purchase.

how to increase average order value - 24/7 help

  • Create a help/FAQ page: By providing your customers with a resource page they can rely on, you’ll show them that you’re committed to providing them with the best possible experience, which will increase your average order value.
  • Add a contact number: Make your business as easy to reach as possible, with a tap-to-call option if you can.
  • Add a contact email: If you don’t have a contact email yet, it is crucial to have one. Any questions your customers have, they should be able to contact you and get help.

Excellent customer service is especially important if you’re selling expensive items or items that require a significant investment or commitment.

4. Include upsell options…

Upselling is when you encourage customers to purchase a more expensive version of the product they’re interested in. For example, if someone is looking at buying a basic pair of shoes, you might try to upsell them by offering a more expensive option that’s made with better quality materials, is a limited edition, or offers customization options.

In the example below, Proflowers has not just a standard bouquet option, but also a Deluxe, Premium, and Exquisite option.

how to increase average order value - upsell example

5. …and cross-sell options

Cross-selling is when you encourage customers to purchase complementary products. For example, if someone is buying a dress, you might try to cross-sell them by offering jewelry or shoes that would go well with the dress.

This is a great way to increase your AOV because it allows you to sell multiple products to the same customer. It’s also a great way to get rid of any leftover inventory you may have.

how to increase average order value - cross-sell example

Pro tip: Upsells and cross-sells work especially well for a dropshipping business model, but you need to be careful not to come across as too pushy. The key is to make sure you’re only offering products that are genuinely relevant and useful to the customer.

6. Bundle products together

Bundling products together is a common tactic used by many businesses to get customers to spend more money per order.

For instance, if you are selling beauty products, you could create a bundle that includes a few different items like shampoo, conditioner, and a hair mask.

Let’s look at this example from Target. When you add a product to your cart, the website creates a bundle of frequently bought together products.

how to increase average order value - bundle example

Pro tip: The key to creating successful bundles is to make sure that the products complement each other and work well together. You also want to make sure that the bundle is priced in such a way that it represents a good deal for the customer.

7. Add limited-time offers

Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency that encourages customers to make a purchase before it’s too late. For example:

  • Give a free gift with the next purchase for a limited time
  • Offer discounts on certain products or segments
  • Use different seasons and anniversary days to make limited-time sales
  • Run a stock clearance and creating a limited stock sale

You could also add a countdown timer to your website to let customers know how long they have to take advantage of the offer, like Pura Vida below:

how to increase average order value - countdown timer

Pro tip: No matter what type of sales promotion you run, make sure that it’s clearly visible on your website. You want to make sure that customers don’t miss the offer and end up missing out on a great deal.

8. Use exit-intent popups

Exit intent popups are a great way to increase your AOV, and they’re also a great way to boost sales in general. These appear when a customer is about to leave your website, but you can also set other conditions, such as after a certain amount of time on your website or after scrolling down a certain percentage on a page.

The popup typically contains an offer, such as a discount or a free gift. The goal is to get the customer to stay on your website and make a purchase or sign up for an email to increase average order value - promo offer example

Pro tip: You need to be careful not to overuse exit intent popups. If you’re constantly bombarding customers with pop-ups, they’re likely to get annoyed and leave your website without returning. Use them sparingly and only when it makes sense. For example, you might want to use an exit-intent popup on a product page, but you wouldn’t want to use one on your home page.

9. Add a free shipping threshold

This method encourages customers to add more items to their cart in order to reach the free shipping threshold. For example, if your free shipping threshold is $50 and a customer has only purchased $42 worth or items, they’re likely to add more to reach that $50 mark.

You can either set a dollar amount or a quantity threshold for free shipping. For instance, you could offer free shipping on all orders over $50, or you could offer free shipping on all orders over five items. In the example below, the threshold is $35.

how to increase average order value - free shipping threshold example

Pro tip: The key is to find a free shipping threshold that works for your business. You don’t want to set the threshold too high, or else customers won’t bother trying to reach it. You also don’t want to set the threshold too low, or else you won’t be making enough money to cover the cost of shipping.

10. Start a customer loyalty program

Customer loyalty programs are a great way to boost your AOV, create loyal customers, and increase customer retention. This is because they encourage customers to make repeat purchases—or even to purchase more within one order—to earn rewards.

There are a few different ways that you can start a customer loyalty program. For example, you could offer discounts to customers who make repeat purchases, or you could offer points that can be redeemed for free products.

how to increase average order value - loyalty rewards program example

You could also start a referral program, where customers earn rewards for referring new customers to your business.

Pro tip: No matter what type of customer loyalty program you choose to start, make sure that it’s clearly explained to customers. You want to make sure that they know how the program works and what they need to do in order to earn rewards.

You also want to make sure that the rewards are something that customers will actually want. Otherwise, they’re not going to bother participating in the program.

How to increase average order value (recap)

These are just a few of the many ways you can increase your average order value. Experiment with different strategies and see what works best for your business. Remember, even a small increase in AOV can have a big impact on your bottom line.

Here are the 10 ways to increase average order value:

  1. Boost your website’s social proof
  2. Test out different website copy
  3. Make customer service your priority
  4. Include upsell options…
  5. Cross-sell options
  6. Bundle products together
  7. Add limited-time offers
  8. Use exit-intent popups
  9. Add a free shipping threshold
  10. Start a customer loyalty program

Don’t forget to track your results so you can see how your efforts are paying off. With the right approach, you can quickly boost your AOV and take your business to the next level.

About the author

Elmeri Palokangas is the founder of, where he teaches on topics like advertising, ecommerce, and making money online. With  rich experience in the ecommerce space (he started at 15 and failed literally a million times before finding success) as well as SEO and content marketing, he strives to share his knowledge with other entrepreneurs to help them maximize their sales.

The post 10 Powerful (But Not Pushy) Ways to Increase Average Order Value appeared first on WordStream.

* This article was originally published here

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