Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5 Streams of Income from Online Workshops

The September issue of the Monthly Mentor Club is called “Wealthy With Workshops.”

You need to join the Club today if you want to get your copy of it in the mail.

Discover an easy-to-follow system for not only helping more of your clients implement, but also for earning multiple streams of income at the same time.

The first income stream is from those who attend the online workshop itself.

You can sell your workshop at a premium, for more than you would an online course, because attendees get personal help from you.

They can ask questions and receive specific advice for how your system solves their unique challenges.

This aspect of the workshop also creates a better product.

It’s not you delivering information alone in your bedroom. It’s you helping a small group of people get real results.

This leads us to the second income stream from workshops.

A few of the attendees will want to work with you on an ongoing basis.

Offer a coaching package to them, either individually or in a group.

You demonstrated your expertise by helping them solve the problem you promised.

Now they want to move to the next step. This leads to ongoing consulting or coaching.

Income stream #3 is a packaged recording of the workshop.

Take the worksheets and cheat sheets you used.

Cut the video training into separate shorter sessions for easier viewing inside an online course.

Add in a few bonuses.

And you have a course ready to go…that you created in just a few hours by delivering the content live during the workshop.

Don’t stop with just one event. Create another related event.

You package up the recording of this new event and sell it as an upsell immediately after purchase of your first digital course.

Income stream #4 comes from using your workshops as bumps and upsells for each other.

You get hooked on creating products like this. You create several more events and record each of them.

You take all your recordings and put them together in a monthly continuity program. Someone pays one monthly fee and gets access to all the recordings. That’s income stream #5.

Workshops give you a duplicatable method you can use over-and-over again to keep coming out with new content and products.

Your customers want to buy more from you. You’re NOT producing enough new products for them to consume. Creating products quickly through workshops might be the solution you need to multiply your income this year.

The good news is you’re not restricted to a single online workshop model.

There are multiple variations I cover in the “Wealthy With Workshops” based on your market and how you can best help your clients implement and see results.

The September issue of the Monthly Mentor Club comes out tomorrow.

You’ll discover how to come up with profitable online workshop ideas, how to modify the workshop to fit your niche market, how to price the event to attract your ideal clients, how to deliver results, and templates to help you sell your event on social media or to a small email list.

* This article was originally published here

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